The Maxi Heater mobile diesel unit features two independently operating burners which deliver 1,000,000 (1M) BTUs of self-contained, indirect fired heat. These units are robustly designed, performing even in the harshest conditions.
When you need a commercial or industrial rental heater, our experienced specialists can quickly identify a product capable of maintaining optimal conditions in your environment.
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1M BTU Towable Maxi Heater
Although most indirect fired heaters run on propane or natural gas, this model uses diesel because of its large size and robust construction.
The two IDF 500 heaters in this unit work by maintaining a controlled flame in a burn chamber that then heats the nearby heat exchanger. The air in the room then heats up and warms the space by passing over and around the heat exchanger. A flue system extracts any combustion byproducts and carbon dioxide, making the entire process safe for indoor applications.
The Maxi Towable Indirect Fired Diesel Heater is unique because of its dual-heater system. The two heaters combine to create a powerful, hardworking machine that can keep you warm in the most extreme weather conditions. What’s more, this heater automatically calibrates both heating units for increased ease of use.
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