Cat® transfer switches are designed for a variety of standby power applications. They provide flexibility, reliability and value in a compact package. The open and delayed transition contactor-based Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) provides fully functioning transfer in Applications where a momentary loss of power is acceptable during transfer and retransfers between normal and emergency power supply.
The closed transition contactor-based ATS is designed to Meet application requirements where emergency back up power is required with no momentary loss of power by connecting both sources before the transfer occurs. Closed transition also permits periodic testing of the emergency power source without interrupting power to the loads.
ATC-100, ATC-300+ or ATC-800 microprocessor-based controller Voltage and frequency sensing High withstand and closing ratings Multiple field programmable set points Status Display including switch position indication Source availability indication Source 1 and 2 auxiliary contacts True RMS voltage and frequency sensing Programmable plant exerciser System test pushbutton Mimic diagram Double-throw, mechanically interlocked transfer mechanism Switch position indication Status display Double-throw UL 1008 3-position contactors
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